Japan - Thailand Ground Forces Tech Tree

There have been multiple attempts to bring in subtrees from other nations to Japan with the most contentious being South Korea. I disapprove of adding South Korea as just a subtree of another nation however as both Koreas can stand on their own and have a fairly developed Military-Industrial Complex that can churn out indigenous designs of their own and for them to be only a subtree would mean that the various oddities that both nations have will never shine its light. 

Thailand on the other hand had been a historical ally of Japan during WW2. There is precedence for them to be merged in a single tech tree and I dont see how anybody would disapprove of adding Thailand as a subtree for Japan. Thailand also has some interesting vehicles to offer and can fill some gaps here and there that is crucially missing for the Japanese tech tree. There is a caveat however, as although Thailand can fill those gaps, I have decided to why not add in the rest of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere into the mix however I only limited it to maritime SEA as Vietnam (which would probably include the rest of Indochina as well - Laos & Cambodia) is already part of the Chinese tech tree. While I do understand that most of the countries part of the GEACPS were puppets and were never truly independent, as well as these countries do not collaborate that much with the JSDF on weapons development & procurement - Japan for the most part has maintained quite the large influence over maritime SEA especially through the Asian Development Bank & JICA and the numerous bilateral treaties Japan has with maritime SEA. Essentially, Japan is still considered a big player within SEA with many looking up to Japan for training and expertise. Gameplay wise, it makes Japan an interesting nation to play as it is the penultimate amalagamation of weapons development designed for the conditions of the Pacific.

I would like to extend huge thanks to the work done by NiceNiti and Nikolai_Kachorn's proposal on the forums on which I base most of the additions here. Pikpikker's ASEAN tech tree proposal has also been of great help. u/HyperGull's expanded tech tree proposal has also been very beneficial. I am not gonna lie, I only copy pasted whatever they have added but I just picked and chose the best vehicles to add into the tech tree because my goal here is to just expand the Japanese tech tree and not overwhelm it. However if someone has to be credited, its the work of these people who should receive it. I have tried to remain as faithful to use Thailand more though as Thailand was Japan's nominally independent ally so I didnt add much vehicles that are in the arsenal or maritime SEA and added them as premiums instead. This is mostly to add more premiums into the Japanese tech tree as well.

Rank I
Ha-Go 1.0
Ke-Ni 1.0
Ka-Mi 1.0
I-Go Ko 1.0
Chi-Ha 1.3 ,,
Ho-I 2.0 ,,
Ho-Ro 1.3 ,
Ro-Go Exp. 1.3 ,
Type 94 1.3 ,,
Ta-Se 1.7 ,,
Type 76 SPAAG [TH] 2.0 ,,
Ha-Go Commander 1.0
Ro-Go 1.3 ,,,
Ka-Chi 0.0
Rank II
Ke-To 2.3
Chi-Ha Kai 2.3 ,,
Chi-He 2.7 ,,
Ho-Ni I 2.0 ,
Ho-Ni I 2.0 ,
Ho-Ni III 2.3 ,
Chi-Ha LG 2.7 ,
*M16 MGMC 2.7 ,,
So-Ki 3.0 ,,
Chi-Ha Short Gun 1.7 ,,
Ke-Ho 2.3
Chi-He (5th Regiment) 2.7 ,,
Chi-Ha Kai TD 2.3 ,,
Rank III
*M24 3.7
FV101 Scorpion [TH] 5.0
Chi-Nu 3.3 ,,
Chi-To 4.7 ,,
Chi-To 4.7 ,,
Chi-To Late 4.7 ,,
Chi-Ri II 5.0 ,,
Na-To 3.3 ,
Type 56 105mm SPG "SY" 5.0 ,
*M19A1 4.0 ,,
*M42 4.3 ,,
Chi-Nu II 4.3 ,,
Rank IV
*M4A3 (76) W 5.7 ,,
*M41A1 6.0
Commando V-150 [TH] 6.3
ST-A1 6.3 ,,
ST-A1 6.3 ,,
ST-A2 6.3 ,,
Type 61 6.7 ,,
Type 61 6.7 ,,
ST-A3 6.7 ,,
*M36 5.7 ,
Type 75 SPH 6.3 ,
Type 60 SPRG (C) 6.7 ,
Type 60 SPRG (C) 6.7 ,
Type 60 ATM 6.7 ,
SUB-I-II 5.3 ,,
*Heavy Tank No.6 6.0 ,,,
Ho-Ri Prototype 6.7 ,
Rank V
Type 87 RCV (P) 7.7
Type 87 RCV (P) 7.7
Type 87 RCV 8.0
*M47 7.3 ,,
STB-1 8.3 ,,
STB-1 8.3 ,,
Type 74 (C) 8.3 ,,
Ho-Ri Production 7.3 ,
M163 VADS [TH] 7.7 ,,
Type 75 MLRS 7.0 ,
Pindad Badak [ID] 7.0 ,
Type-85 DTI-2 MLRS [TH] 7.3 ,
Bionix II [SG] 8.7
Rank VI
Type 89 9.0
Type 74 (E) 9.0 ,,
Type 74 (E) 9.0 ,,
Type 74 (F) 9.0 ,,
Sabrah/Pandur II [PH] 9.0 ,
Type 87 8.3 ,,
Type 16 (FPS) 9.3
Type 74 (G) 9.3 ,,
M901A3 ITV [TH] 8.3 ,
Rank VII
Commando Stingray [TH] 9.7
Kaplan MT [ID] 10.0 ,,
TKX (P) 11.0 ,,
Type 90 11.0 ,,
Type 90 11.0 ,,
Type 90 (B) 11.0 ,,
Type 10 11.7 ,,
Type 10 11.7 ,,
TKX 11.7 ,,
Type 16 (P) 9.3
Type 16 (P) 9.3
Type 16 9.7
Type 93 9.3 ,,
Type 81 (C) 10.0 ,,
M113 Ultra Mechanized Igla [SG] 9.3 ,,
Hunter AFV [SG] 11.0